Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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783- 788

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Rahmath Unnisa*, Lavanya Racha

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Sodium bicarbonate buffered lignocaine verses hyaluronidase mixed lignocaine in peribulbar anesthesia: A comparative study

Original Article

Author Details : Rahmath Unnisa*, Lavanya Racha

Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2024

Article Page : 783-788

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Purpose: To compare sodium bicarbonate buffered lignocaine solution with hyaluronidase mixed with lignocaine in peribulbar anesthesia.
Introduction: Complete analgesia and akinesia are goals of any anesthetic procedure used for intraocular surgery the peribulbar technique is popular for safer approach. To achieve better efficacy of anesthesia various modifications have been made.
Hyaluronidase has been widely used in peribulbar anesthesia as it causes better absorption of anesthetic solution reducing the time of onset of anesthesia and bringing akinesia.
Recently some studies have doubted the efficiency of hyaluronidase in improving quality of anesthesia added to this cost factor of this drug, limited shelf life, and reusage in same sitting, risk of anaphylaxis due to its enzyme nature. Hence need for studying efficiency of sodium bicarbonate which is a cheaper alternative, readily in available, because of its basic nature alkalized the local anesthetic solution without risk of anaphylaxis.
Observation: The mean time for onset of total globe akinesia in group A is 4 and group B is 4.17. There was no statistical difference in two groups (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Sodium bicarbonate was shown to reduce the time of onset of block. Intraoperative analgesia is comparable in both groups, Chemosis is common complication in both groups. Sodium carbonate is cheaper alternative to hyaluronidase.

Keywords: Sodium bicarbonate, Lignocaine, Hyaluronidase, Peribulbar anesthesia.

How to cite : Unnisa R, Racha L, Sodium bicarbonate buffered lignocaine verses hyaluronidase mixed lignocaine in peribulbar anesthesia: A comparative study. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2024;10(4):783-788

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