Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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677- 683

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Thanuja G Pradeep, Chris Diana Pius*, Deepthi Ramesh, Ananth S Bhandary

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A questionnaire based study to assess the challenges faced by clinicians and patients in the management of uveitis

Original Article

Author Details : Thanuja G Pradeep, Chris Diana Pius*, Deepthi Ramesh, Ananth S Bhandary

Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2024

Article Page : 677-683

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Background: Uveitis includes many conditions and requires detailed examination, multiple investigations, referrals, topical and systemic medications, and regular follow-up to achieve effective management.
Objectives: To understand the difficulties faced by patients and clinicians alike in the management of uveitis.
Materials and Methods: We conducted a focus group discussion among eight clinicians involved in the care of uveitis patients, and semi-structured interviews were conducted on ten uveitis patients of varying educational status to understand their difficulties.
Results: Braun and Clarke's six-phase approach was used for to coding and conducting a thematic analysis and six themes with sub-themes were identified. Among clinicians, the themes were challenges faced in the treatment of uveitis patients; Identification of gap areas/ support areas; and The need for health technology for the management of patients with uveitis The Patients themes identified were patients' knowledge of uveitis and relevant medication prescribed for its treatment; perceived barriers to uveitis treatment; opportunities to incorporate mobile health technology into treatment and care.
Conclusion: The prominent challenge that was revealed in the study was patient education along with multiple follow-ups and the cost of medication. It was identified time constraints in a busy clinic, and the need for multiple referrals, investigations, and regular follow-ups all played a critical part in the effective management of these patients. Both patients and clinicians understood that the problem could be solved by the use of technology and both were open to exploring the use of mobile health applications as part of the management of the disease.
Key messages: Patient education and counseling about disease symptoms, systemic association, and medication are vital to the treatment of uveitis. The use of mobile health applications as a means to achieve the above has been explored in this study.

Keywords: Questionnaire based discussion study, Qualitative research, Health technology, Uveitis.

How to cite : Pradeep T G, Pius C D, Ramesh D, Bhandary A S, A questionnaire based study to assess the challenges faced by clinicians and patients in the management of uveitis. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2024;10(4):677-683

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